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How do I donate?Flower Painting with Border

Donations to The N8 Foundation can be made one of two ways:

  1. Online through Paypal below (will open new browser tab/window)


  2. By mailing a check or money order to:

The N8 Foundation

P.O. Box 6463

Bakersfield, California 93386

All checks and/or money orders should be made payable to “The N8 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation” or “The N8 Foundation.”

The N8 Foundation also accepts “in-kind” donations. If you are willing to donate a service to support the Foundation, please contact us.

How will my donation be used?

We truly appreciate your donation and promise to use it wisely – that cannot be emphasized enough.  Our philosophy is the same with every dollar that is donated (regardless of its source) – “Focused funding to beat pediatric brain cancer.”

The N8 Foundation was created to fund research to help find a cure for pediatric brain cancer and to provide financial assistance to families of children with DIPG – a specific type of brain cancer.

On the research front, we have partnered with some of the leading DIPG and pediatric brain cancer research facilities in the country and we provide them with monetary grants to keep the research going.  Rest assured that we keep VERY close tabs on all outgoing research grants and make sure that they are only going to the best and the brightest and straight “into the trenches” to fight this disease.

On family assistance front, we have formed relationships with many of the children’s hospitals across California and, with their assistance, establish connections with families in need to offer resources and financial help.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes!  The N8 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public benefit charity organization meaning that all donations are tax deductible.  (See IRS 501(c)(3) and public charity confirmation letter here)  All donors will receive a donation confirmation letter which provides a record of the amount received and the tax I.D. number of The N8 Foundation for tax purposes.