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Thorner Elementary Helps The N8 Foundation Spread Awareness

This week, Dr. Juliet Thorner Elementary School in Bakersfield, Ca., showed Thorner - Western Dayoff their school spirit while spreading awareness about Pediatric Cancer. Each classroom, K-6, participated in a “Nickels for Nate” coin drive and raised a grand total of $1,645.86 for The N8 Foundation!!! My kids are lucky enough to attend Thorner (the same school Nathan attended) and so I was able to see their school spirit every morning while walking the girls to class.

Nathan’s friends expressed how much they loved him and miss seeing him on campus. They were confident that Nathan would still be dominating the tether ball courts if he was here because he was so tall. I was updated on their summer adventures and they shared many of the exciting things they have started learning in 4th grade. They also proudly displayed their bags of coins to show they were helping.

One morning, a 1st grader who had never met Nathan, politely approached me and asked if I was his mom. He said, “I found this dollar walking to school this morning, may I please give it to you to help other children. My teacher said you are helping support Dr.’s to find a cure and I want to help too.”

Thorner - Super Hero DayA teacher also shared her story that her son asked for permission to donate a portion of his piggy bank each morning. By the end of the week, he had donated it all. Wanting to give more (and unbeknownst to his parents), he happily “borrowed” a $100 bill to give to the N8 Foundation. – Oops, I think many lessons were learned this day!

These stories nearly made me late to work every day, but it was worth it; these kids are worth it and I love hearing them all.

Yes, it is difficult seeing his friends grow up, get taller and experience all of the things I imagined him doing. I wish with all my heart that he was growing with them and starting a new 4th grade instrument- I’ll never know what he would have chosen or what his new interests would be and it’s hard. Something that every bereaved parent fears is that their child who was loved so dearly, will be forgotten or remain unknown to those around. Thank you to his friends at Thorner who showed that he has not been forgotten and that other children battling brain cancer matter.

It’s stories like these that display the passion and importance of teaching children and spreading awareness. Children are our future. They matter. They can make a difference. Last week, Thorner kids proved just that! Thank you to all of the Teachers and Parents for standing up for childhood cancer and teaching your children the importance of spreading awareness. Thank you for remembering our Nathan and sharing his story -GO BOLTS!

Over the next few weeks, these other schools will also be spreading awareness and supporting The N8 Foundation through the penny war: Highland High School, Cato Middle School, Stiern Middle School, Colonel Nichols Elementary, Chaves Elementary, Downtown Elementary, Eissler Elementary, Fletcher Elementary, Franklin Elementary and the Bakersfield City School District Office.

Don’t forget to share your stories and display your amazing school efforts! These kids are our truly our inspiration. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Don’t forget to #N8foundation and include your school name so we can find you!

If your school or district would like to participate in spreading awareness through the N8Foundation, it’s NEVER too late! Please contact Tracy Street at Tracy@N8foundation.org

With Love,



Because others helped us in our time of need and because more help is needed

Katie’s Blog

Nathan was a good brother. Me, my sister and Nathan played everyday all day Nate and Katieduring the summer and school weekends. We played legos a lot. We built ships, planes, cars and houses. We went to Hawaii and played with dolphins, it was so fun. We played with water guns and we swam in the pool. We went to the beach and we tried to surf. We used to sleep in his room and watched TV on a little TV in his room. We did everything together. Nathan bought us candy.

Katie's BraceletsI am going to sell these bracelets at the run for $1. I made them and my mom bought them on the internet. It was a lot of hard work. If you want one, meet me at the run.

 – Katie 🙂

BCSD “Rallies” Around The N8 Foundation

Bakersfield City School District goes GOLD during the month of September to show support for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and The N8 Foundation.  See full article here.

Contact Tracy by email if your school or district would like to participate and join in the penny war to benefit The N8 Foundation and pediatric cancer research.